CRM project info

Research part: My research was on integrating the Redis with Lua script for the optimization purpose. Much of my work was on Node.js, ORM like sequelizejs, Lua script and Redis DB, but I was broadly interested in optimizing the algorithm which was working as a backbone in the CRM.

Below is the POC of my work there.

The idea behind the optimized CRM:

  • To filter the meetings which are open and has meeting type email.
  • Applying Client Security.
  • Sort the Filtered data.
  • Limit the “SortedFilteredSet”.
  • Get details from hashset.

Proof of Concept:

POC for filtering meeting on MeetingStatus and MeetingType and apply Client Security I need to maintain following 6 sets/data structure in Redis


Set Name	                Set content (meetingId)
meeting_type:email_ins_10	11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20
meeting_type:sms_ins_10 	11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21
meeting_status:open_ins_10	11, 13, 17, 19, 23
meeting_status:close_ins_10	10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20

Set Name	        Set content (clientId)
clients_for_user:1	7, 9, 11, 47
clients_for_user:2	1, 2, 3, 8, 10, 11
clients_for_user:3	4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24
clients_for_user:4	3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24

HASHSET 	JSON string 	client id
meeting:11	details here	2
meeting:15	details here	7
meeting:19	details here	8
meeting:23	details here	12

AIM 1.1:

To filter the meetings which are open and has meeting type email :

Example of clients sets:

We fire following command

 "meeting_type:email" ∩ "meeting_status:open"


We get set named as FilteredSet containing following interactionId - {11, 19}

AIM 1.2: Applying Client Security

For user:1

  • Iterate through meeting ids in FilteredSet
  • Get client Id from hash-set.
  • if client Idclients_for_user:1
    • Yes, Add it in the array/set

AIM 1.3: Sort the Filtered data

Sort the data obtained according to the users requirement. If required we will sort using external keys.

To sort meeting Ids according to meeting date, we make a sorted set.


meeting_date	element (meeting_id)	weight

                 meeting:1	    10062017

                 meeting:5	    12062017

                 meeting:6	    15062017

                 meeting:10	    16062017

                 meeting:12	    19062017

Now we perform :

"FilteredSet" ∩ "meeting_date"

Store the intersected set as SortedFilteredSet.

AIM 1.4: Limit the SortedFilteredSet.

Limit the data as per the parameters passed i.e. paging OFFSET and display_count.

AIM 1.5: Get details from hashset

Fetch the details from the HashSet using the meeting Ids.

Script file, code for above POC(needed to run from redis server)

Arguments to be passed :

  • users_id
  • Installation Id
  • paging OFFSET and display_count
  • meeting filtering parameters.
1) get user_id; (from keys[1])
2) get sort_by parameter as KEYS[2]
3) get start_limit and end_limit.
4) get meeting filtered set;
5) get client_for_user:x set;
6) iterate through meeting filtered set and get client id of that particular meeting from hashmap.
	6.1) check if that client id is member of set "client_for_user:x"
	6.2) store that meeting_id into a set, so that later we can perform sorting on that set.
7) sort the obtained filterd meeting set and apply limit over it.
8) fetch the details from the meeting:id from the hashmap.
	8.1) To fetch you can run a loop over available meeting ids and do 'hget key details'// key is the meeting_id

local user_id = KEYS[1] --  get user_id;

local sort_by = KEYS[2]
local start_limit = KEYS[3]
local end_limit = KEYS[4]

local meeting_filter_set ="sinterstore", "sampleset1"..user_id,  unpack(ARGV)) -- meeting filtered set.
local mfs ="sinter", unpack(ARGV)) -- meeting filtered set.

local clients_for_user_set_name = 'clients_for_user:'..user_id

local members_of_clients ="smembers", clients_for_user_set_name) -- client_for_user:x

-- iterating through meeting filtered set
for _,key in ipairs(mfs) do
	local obtained_client_ids ="HGET", 'meeting:'..key, "clientid")
	-- check if clientid obtained is contained in "members_of_clients"
	local val ="sismember", clients_for_user_set_name, obtained_client_ids)
	-- check if val is 0 or 1. If val == 1, store meeting:id into a set (or if val == 0, delete meetingid from the meeting_filtered_set)
	if val == 1 then"sadd", "sampleset2"..user_id, 'meeting:'..key)

--[[local val2 ="sort", "sampleset1", "get", "meeting:*->clientid")--]]

-- get the members from set named "sampleset1"..user_id
local security_level_filter ="smembers", "sampleset2"..user_id)

-- use security_level_filter set name to sort according to whatever is passed as keys[2]
local sorted_content ="sort", "sampleset2"..user_id, "by", '*->'..sort_by, "limit" , start_limit, end_limit);

local allString = ""

-- fetch the details section from the hashmap of meeting:ids
for k, value in ipairs(sorted_content) do
	local details_str ="HGET", value, "details")
	allString = allString..', '..tostring(details_str)

return allString

1) 	new elements get appended with old elements in the sets created in memory, eg : sampleset1..user_id,
	sampleset2..user_id. this creates problem in getting the required meeting_ids after filtering.

Thank you 👏